matches in the
decision tableexp USA: dʌ·sɪ'ʒʌ·n teɪ'bʌ·l UK: dɪsɪʒn teɪbl
dining tablenoun USA: daɪ'nɪ·ŋ teɪ'bʌ·l UK: daɪnɪŋ teɪbl
dining room tableexp USA: daɪ'nɪ·ŋ ruː'm teɪ'bʌ·l UK: daɪnɪŋ ruːm teɪbl
disk partition tableexp USA: dɪ'sk pɔ·rtɪ'ʃʌ·n teɪ'bʌ·l UK: dɪsk pɑtɪʃn teɪbl
dissection tableexp USA: daɪ'se·kʃʌ·n teɪ'bʌ·l UK: dɪsekʃn teɪbl
table d'ho"tenoun
dressing tablenoun USA: dre'sɪ·ŋ teɪ'bʌ·l UK: dresɪŋ teɪbl
file structure definition tableexp USA: faɪ'l strʌ'ktʃəː· de"fʌ·nɪ'ʃʌ·n teɪ'bʌ·l UK: faɪl strʌktʃər defɪnɪʃn teɪbl
tag daynoun USA: tæ'g deɪ' UK: tæg deɪ
degree / take a -v USA: dɪ·griː' teɪ'k eɪ' UK: dɪgriː teɪk eɪ
take one's hair downv USA: teɪ'k wʌ'nz he'r daʊ'n UK: teɪk wʌnz heər daʊn
take sy down a pegv USA: teɪ'k saɪ' daʊ'n eɪ' pe'g
take down name and adressexp UK: teɪk daʊn neɪm ənd ədrɪs
take drugsexp USA: teɪ'k drʌ'gz UK: teɪk drʌgz
take delight inexp USA: teɪ'k dʌ·laɪ't ɪ'n UK: teɪk dɪlaɪt ɪn
take a dig at syv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' dɪ'g æ't saɪ'
take a delight inexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' dʌ·laɪ't ɪ'n UK: teɪk eɪ dɪlaɪt ɪn
take a degreev USA: teɪ'k eɪ' dɪ·griː' UK: teɪk eɪ dɪgriː
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