play runs highexp USA: pleɪ' rʌ'nz haɪ' UK: pleɪ rʌnz haɪ
it runs in the bloodexp USA: ʌ·t rʌ'nz ɪ'n ðiː· blʌ'd UK: ɪt rʌnz ɪn ðiː blʌd
it runs in the familyexp USA: ʌ·t rʌ'nz ɪ'n ðiː· fæ'mliː· UK: ɪt rʌnz ɪn ðiː fæməliː
the colour runsexp UK: ðiː kʌlər rʌnz
his blood runs coldexp USA: hʌ·z blʌ'd rʌ'nz koʊ'ld UK: hɪz blʌd rʌnz koʊld
the play runs highexp USA: ðiː· pleɪ' rʌ'nz haɪ' UK: ðiː pleɪ rʌnz haɪ
the tide runs strongexp USA: ðiː· taɪ'd rʌ'nz strɔː'ŋ UK: ðiː taɪd rʌnz strɔŋ
so the story runsexp USA: soʊ' ðiː· stɔː'riː· rʌ'nz UK: soʊ ðiː stɔːriː rʌnz
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